Kalangan pejabat di jajaran Kementerian Pertahanan pekan ini menyatakan komitmennya, untuk meningkatkan kemitraan global dalam menghadapi berbagai bentuk ancaman kejahatan dunia maya (cyber crime).
Kepala Lembaga Sandi Negara Mayor Jenderal TNI Djoko Setiadi mengatakan (28/7) di Jakarta, potensi kejahatan dunia maya makin meningkat di seluruh dunia, termasuk di Indonesia.
Djoko Setiadi mengatakan, “Sangat-sangat tinggi sekali, di mana-mana terjadi kebocoran , terjadi serangan-serangan. Ada hacker, ada cracker . Bahkan sudah masuk ke instansi pemerintah. Kita semua harus menyadari ini perlu dilakukan, untuk pengawal sistem informasi.”
Aktivitas yang selalu sama setiap hari dapat menimbulkan rasa jenuh dan kebosanan. Akibatnya akan berimbas kepada melemahnya daya konsentrasi.
Selain itu, penelitian ilmiah menunjukkan bahwa otak orang dewasa dapat fokus dan berkonsentrasi secara efektif selama 25 menit, tetapi setelah itu pikiran tidak lagi fokus.
Sibuk bekerja selama seharian cenderung membuat Anda stres dan pikiran menjadi kusut.
Khususnya bagi mereka yang berprofesi sebagai penulis dan insinyur yang pekerjaannya secara teratur melibatkan banyak pemikiran. Di saat-saat stres, Anda perlu menyegarkan kembali pikiran, serta mengkalibrasi ulang semua fungsinya.
Ilustrasi F16 Angkatan Udara Republik Indonesia (world-defense-news.co.cc)
Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro memastikan bahwa pemerintah akan melengkapi Skuadron Sukhoi dan F-16 yang sudah dimiliki oleh TNI Angkatan Udara (AU) selama ini.
"Kami sudah anggarkan dari APBN untuk pengadaan alat utama sistem senjata (alutsista) dengan penambahan jumlah pesawat guna menggenapi Skuadron Sukhoi dan F-16 yang telah ada saat ini," ujar Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Purnomo Yusgiantoro saat kunjungan kerja ke PT Industri Kereta Api (PT INKA) di Kota Madiun, Jawa Timur, Minggu.
Selepas dari ITB, pada 1997, Chris Lie pria yang lulus dengan predikat cum laude ini, dikarenakan tergila-gila pada komik, Chris mencari beasiswa S2 untuk ilmu pembuatan komik di AS. Program magang di Devil's Due Publishing mempertemukannya dengan Hasbro, pemilik lisensi komik... Transformers dan GI JOE. Dari situ karir Chris Lie di dunia per-komik-an dimulai.
Anda tentu masih ingat fenomena film Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, setahun silam. Film Transformers diangkat dari komik yang salah satu ilustratornya adalah Christiawan Lie, pria kelahiran Bandung, 5 September 1974.
Ratusan perwira TNI-AL yang baru diwisuda melempar topi sebagai ungkapan bahagia di Akademi Angkatan Udara (AAU) Yogyakarta, Kamis (14/7). Bersama 295 Perwira TNI-AD, 216 Perwira TNI-AL dan 124 Perwira TNI-AU, mereka menjadi letnan dua bergelar Sarjana Sains Terapan bidang Pertahanan (SSTHan). (FOTO ANTARA/Regina Safri)
Magelang (ANTARA News) - Tentara Nasional Indonesia akan mendapatkan tambahan dana melalui anggaran perubahan 2011 sebesar Rp2,4 triliun dan sekitar Rp1,3 triliun di antaranya digunakan untuk pembelian alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista).
Panglima TNI, Laksamana TNI Agus Suhartono di Magelang, Jumat, mengatakan, "Dana sekitar Rp1,3 triliun tersebut akan digunakan untuk pembelian persenjataan buatan dalam negeri seperti dari PT Pindad, PT Koja Bahari , dan PT PAL."
San Francisco (ANTARA News/Xinhua-OANA) - Microsoft memperkenalkan satu sistem yang memberitahu pengguna mengenai peretasan pada layanan surat elektronik Windows Live Hotmailnya bersama dengan larangan kata kunci yang sudah umum.
"Ketika aku seseorang diretas, teman mereka seringkali mengetahuinya sebelum pemiliknya tahu, sebab peretas menggunakan akun orang itu untuk mengirim spam atau surat elektronik tipuan ke semua kontak orang tersebut," kata Microsoft di satu posting blognya yang dikutip Xinhua, yang dipantau ANTARA di Jakarta, Jumat malam.
Palembang (ANTARA News) - Data pengumuman kelulusan penerimaan siswa baru tingkat SMP dan SMA di Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, pada Selasa (12/7) menjadi sasaran ulah "peretas", tetapi pemerintah kota setempat memastikan data pihak sekolah yang benar.
Wali Kota Palembang, Eddy Santana Putra, di Palembang, Rabu malam, menyatakan pihaknya sudah berkoordinasi dengan pengelola website Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda dan Olahraga setempat berkaitan dengan perbedaan pengumuman kelulusan siswa baru (PSB) dengan data di sekolah.
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Pengguna layanan Hotmail yang menggunakan password umum atau '123456' dipaksa untuk mengubahnya karena untuk meningkatkan keamanan layanan webmail.
Microsoft melarang penggunaan password "123456" dan "ilovecats" karena mudah diretas oleh peretas berbahaya dengan menggunakan teknik trial-and-error.
"Fitur baru ini akan segera bergulir dan kami akan mencegah anda memilih password yang umum ketika anda mendaftar sebuah akun baru atau ketika anda mengubah kata sandi," kata Program Manager Microsoft Hotmail Dick Craddock.
TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Dalam padanan gizi ternyata tempe juga memiliki manfaat yang sama dengan yoghurt. Tempe mengandung asam fitat rendah, vitamin b12, protein siap cerna dan mengandung isivlavon.
Demikian dikatakan Profesor Dr Ir Rindit Pambayun MP, Guru Besar Ilmu Pangan Universitas Sriwijaya. Menurutnya zat-zat itu lah yang bisa menangkal penyakit di dalam tubuh.
"Karena itu, tempe bermanfaat untuk mengatasi diare, menurunkan tekanan darah, mengandung superoksida desmutase sehingga baik bagi penderita jantung, menurunkan kadar kolesterol, anti kanker, dan mencegah osteoporosis," kata Rindit.
Selain tempe, banyak makanan menakjubkan ada di sekitar kita. Pada umumnya adalah makanan fermentasi peninggalan nenek moyang kita.
Samarinda (ANTARA News) - Ketua Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Samarinda, Kaltim, KH Zaini Naim mendesak Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI) menghentikan tayangan kuis berhadiah. "Kuis berhadiah itu merupakan bentuk perjudian sehingga seharusnya tidak ditayangkan di televisi," katanya di Samarinda, Sabtu. Ia mengatakan penayangan kuis pada tengah malam juga bukan sebagai solusi. "Kami sebatas memberikan nasehat namun yang berkepentingan menghentikan dan menindak penayangan kuis berhadiah tersebut adalah KPI," kata Zaini. Zaini Naim meminta KPI segera menidak stasiun televisi yang menayangkan kusi berhadiah tersebut.
Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan setelah baca koran? pasti koran itu langsung ditumpuk dan kalau sudah banyak dijual kiloan. Namun, ide awak redaksi Metro, sebuah koran yang terbit di Inggris, dan sejumlah ahli makanan benar-benar melompat keluar dari pakem itu. Mungkin terinspirasi Willy Wonka, tokoh dalam film Chocolate Factory, yang membuat segala sesuatu di sekitar kita bisa dimakan, mereka menciptakan bentuk koran Metro yang bisa dimakan. Seperti dilansir situs Metro.co.uk, kerja sama itu menghasilkan koran yang bisa dimakan. Jadi begitu selesai dibaca, koran tak perlu dibuang, tetapi langsung dimakan saja.
Heston Blumenthal, si ilmuwan kuliner, punya peran besar dalam mewujudkan ide unik ini. “Koran yang bisa dimakan ini sedikit banyak merupakan obsesi saya,” katanya. Soal rasa bagaimana? Para relawan sudah mencabik-cabik koran itu dengan gigi mereka dan menelannya. Mereka pun menganggukkan kepala dan menilai koran itu lezat. Tentu saja produksi koran itu tidak hanya membutuhkan editing yang ketat, tetapi pengolahan adonan yang cermat pula. Adonan itu sendiri terdiri atas tepung maizena, minyak sayur, permen arab, air dan asam sitrat yang dimasak hingga menjadi pasta liat dan dibentuk menjadi lembaran.
Pasta itu kemudian ditaburkan ke lembaran tipis itu melalui kasa sutra yang diatur sedemikian rupa menjadi headline, foto dan artikel. Proses pembuatan dan pencetakan koran lezat ini membutuhkan beberapa jam. Untuk mengeringkannya butuh waktu sedikit lama. Untuk polesan terakhir, koran itu diberi aroma vanila yang baunya lembut. Charles Bouquet, dari Edible Paper Company, mengatakan proyek itu akan mendorong kebiasaan daur ulang dalam masyarakat. “Kami berharap ini memberikan tambahan aroma pada berita dan menyajikan menu isu-isu terkini yang lebih berwarna.”
TEMPO Interaktif, Kuala Lumpur - Institut Teknologi Surabaya mempertahankan gelarnya sebagai perancang mobil paling irit dalam Shell Eco-Marathon (SEM) Asia 2011 yang digelar di Sirkuit Internasional Sepang, Malaysia 7-9 Juli 2011.
Pada kategori Urban Concept,mobil "Sapu Angin 4" buatan mahasiswa ITS berhasil mengumpulkan nilai efisiensi 149,8 kmpl (kilometer per liter) mengalahkan tujuh tim lainnya yang bersaing di kelas tersebut.
Joey: Don’t turn off the lights now!
Don’t turn off the lights now!
Donnie: N K O T B S B Baby
Jordan: I know we haven’t been getting along, long at all, I don’t think that it’s time.
AJ: You and I can give in
Just call, call it off
I don’t wanna say goodbye
Joey: Cause just when I think we’re through
Joey & Brian: The memories come flooding back
Howie: It’s like instantly I love you like that
Brian: I was on fire for you
Brian & Howie: We could get it back again
Brian: If you don’t say it’s the end, the endnow, lights now
Cause in a minute we’ll be feeling like never before
We’ll light up the night now, night now,
Right now
I’ll be whatever you need and more
So don’t turn out the lights now
Don’t turn out the lights now Jordan: I’mma give you a minute to clear, clear your head
Take the rest of the night, yeah
Donnie: Take your time
Nick: You’re gonna see that it’s empty without me in your bed
Baby, you’ll change your mind
Brian: Cause just when I think we’re through
The memories come flooding back
And instantly you love me like that/right back?
Joey: I still got this fire for you, we can get it back again. If you don’t say it’s the end, the end
So don’t turn out the lights now, lights now lights now
Cause in a minute we’ll be feeling like never before
We’ll light up the night now, night now,
Right now
I’ll be whatever you need and more
So don’t turn out the lights now
Don’t turn out the lights now
Howie: We’re down to the wire
Donnie whisper: Let’s get high girl
Howie: We gotta let go and take a chance
Donnie: Don’t be afraid
Howie: I’ll take it higher
Donnie: Let us take you higher
Nick: Till the end, till the end, till the end YEAH! Yeah
Donnie: N K O T B S B Babay
So don’t turn out the lights now, lights now lights now
Cause in a minute we’ll be feeling like never before
We’ll light up the night now, night now,
Right now
I’ll be whatever you need and more
So don’t turn out the lights now, lights now lights now
Cause in a minute we’ll be feeling like never before
We’ll light up the night now, night now,
Right now
I’ll be whatever you need and more
So don’t turn out the lights now
So don’t turn out the lights now
Don’t turn out the lights now
So don’t turn out the lights now
Don’t turn out the lights now
Nick: Gonna bring it down
IkadaNews-What doyou usually doafterreadingthe newspaper?surethe paperstraightwhenstackedandhas been soldby the kilogram.However,the idea ofthe crew ofMetro,anewspaperpublished in the UK,andseveralfoodexpertsto literally jumpout of thegripit.Perhapsinspired byWillyWonka,a character inthe movieChocolate Factory,whichmakeseverything arounduscanbe eaten,they create aformthat can beeaten bythe Metronewspaper.As reported by theMetro.co.ukwebsite,the cooperationthatproducesan ediblepaper.So that'sfinished reading,the papersneed notbe discarded,buteatenalone.
View the most difficult to treat porn addiction is a brain disease and moral weakness. The link between erectile dysfunction and pornography and representing a new discovery. The results from brain damage due to loss of professionals can exceed the claims, pornography, are addicted to drugs. And a new study from Italy, erectile dysfunction and pornography kecanduar irektala forty-two alias did not find the problem. The people, and seeking help for medical problems, 70 percent of young people can become addicted to pornography on the Internet, because Carlo Foresta, University of Padua Survey (June 19, 2011), Sunday Medindia on the report, from Professor is a professor of urology. "The reality of young people see the world a lot of 20-year-old woman with a friend or colleague does not openly discuss fears porn habit, get, or too much masturbation said: I could be a laugh, one of those health issues in the forum Wed all be waiting, but the answer is many others will encounter the same problem again, "Forrester said of the professor.
Because it can not satisfy your partner can reduce the confidence that he is the most dreaded disease of erectile dysfunction. You have a strong erection, there are several ways you can keep dignified.
The erectile dysfunction erection or losses to people that need to achieve sexual satisfaction for both partners is limited, or the state can be maintained.
Experts, which WebMD, Thursday (16/06/2011) to provide advice for the prevention of erectile dysfunction taken from:
1. Show food you eat
Because it may inhibit blood flow to the penis to erect it adversely affects the ability of the food hypothesis in his mind. Local food, fried food, but the process could have been avoided, the growth of fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, nuts, fish and olive oil. For the
National Football Brawl, Bandung joined Agate game studio in the middle of a group of young people, he argued that the quality of the creative development of online games with a football theme. Saga of a football game, Facebook users can play online.
"Captain Tsubasa Japan's soccer future, if the animation inspired 영 hwae, Inc We are a young Indonesian football team to enter the reason we have developed this game in the background," said Andrew Pratomo, football saga, one explanation for the developers.
General manager, online soccer games, or if the nature of coaching a football club is a very interesting thing in this game, this game takes a unique visual and other.
Age and a group of South Korea Super Junior Girls Hallyu as successful in Asia, said part of the cleaning, but the sad news and embarrassing merry - go round in Seoul, as many artists have returned. Many singers perform LIVE during the use of Lip - Synchronization, because,South Korea's National Assembly, the actor will be able to track "review of the legislation appeared (Performences)", suggestions, or if they are forced to lip synchronization, if you do not use it directly, they must inform the consumer.Central Daily News, the legislation on May 13. The bill also prohibits an American singer-show lip synchronization, and if the violation is punishable by:1 and a maximum of one year in prison.2. The maximum penalty ₩ 10.000.000Dipercara This would improve the appearance of the culture of Seoul, the bill has received plenty of support.Korea paper analyzes the emergence of a popular idol group 7, and each song is simply an average of 16 kesimpulankalau, in fact, the solo part in a very short time, many of the other, as many Korean groups, and even then did not sing at all. It is really song and people doubt his ability to think."If they are lip syncing, but it is unacceptable," the news they said the fans' ears are charged Jepangs Taiwan. With other fans of their idols to be honest implementation of the agreement, but it does not have to by law enforcement.Do you agree with this bill?
Increasing the power and the end of the identification of sensitive data in case of theft. Hacker (hacker) attacks, are easy to guess user's password will be used to advantage.
2011 seconds after the brake causes a lot of features, and hackers can penetrate a company-owned data piracy. Sony called hacker could penetrate the 100 million Sony PlayStation account.
In addition, the Defense Department, Lockheed Martin, hackers successfully infiltrated the network and database vendor for pelangganya email is not devastating. The company itself, marketing Best Buy and Target are known.
New Citigroup-the credit card information stolen, the customer. But hackers are using direct payments, credit card - coded security features on a three-digit CVV is behind the name, Citigroup-the case will be difficult.
Well-known hacker site to obtain customer data, "spyware" and the use of electronic banking. What should I do to prevent your computer impenetrable computer? This will create a strong password. How to create a strong password is:
Some of the default password is used on the Internet for their favorite name. In addition, a wedding date and the number '1234 'to people.
Experts say that the same people that do not require a password for both. Professionals with advanced technology, the modern discovery of the hacker attacks, computer passwords, all the random letters, numbers, and symbols on the keyboard to select more than 12 characters, consist of a minimum.
Until a few years ago, the eight-character password with mixed numbers and letters that provide relatively strong protection. However, now the Technical Research Institute, Richard Boyd, graphics processor and a robot to patrol the hackers of all kinds, except the most complex passwords in order to solve the password that provides the power needed for this site, according to senior researcher.
You only 8 character passwords, and the only character in the alphabet letter by using the password restrictions, particularly to address the matter of minutes, Boyd said. "Password can not remember how much time should be at least 10 to 12 characters," he said. Hackers break the encryption used by two tricks. The first technique, the dictionary's name, date, and other public safety phrases with the words, the frequently used passwords.
Forgot your beloved's name, a birthday or if this method will be easily broken by hackers, Boyd said. The second method, or the violence of the attack, "the success of the letters and numbers to try all possible combinations.
The main goal of trying every possible combination of technology, as this method requires much time, but now it is time now is faster and more complex, there may be reduced due to a computer.
Expansion by 12 character password, the user is attacked by "violent" is a sophisticated computer users are easy targets for hackers to eventually give up and switch to crack the password, you can be a long time.
The nature of random passwords to help protect against this type of attack first, Boyd returned. Boyd comfortable hat 'password' mMN30 D9 # $ & * F "was shot. Do not use your password."
Electronics companies, as well as the violation of system security, hacker or hackers have also been investigated (FBI) is the data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. They stole 180 passwords belonging to a member of the FBI as a partner.
"Somebody's ruffled a website, we present how an attack will occur, how to use a password - stealing I do not know," Paul Farley, president of the Atlanta InfraGard Members Alliance. Institutions in the United States, the physical infrastructure of the Internet to collect information about security threats by the FBI is established.
For a list of passwords are stolen, including the various military organizations, the organization's Internet security and network operators are the property of the members. Lulz killer by the name of the security of the Internet to disclose their passwords.
1-1000 Lulz security key management for the theft of documents and personal e-mail access using a single claim. They state that at a certain time of cyberspace as a war before the attack on the Pentagon's plans to include a form of protest, is a United States Department of Defense. Lulz on the security of online services for Sony and Nintendo have confirmed the attack.
FBI-led assault and released an official statement of the identification data will be stolen. Efforts are underway to investigate the incident.
May, 29 L 'Arc ~ en ~ Cielo official said on national tour through a Facebook account. However, more and more attractive for international fans to create a world tour, which takes place in 2012. However, the date and the steps need not be shown publicly.
You and the group's world tour and then the list of shemoivlis where're occurred in Japan or outside Japan.
[20 L 'Anniversary Tour]
September 10 - Saitama: Saitama Super Arena
9 May 11 - Saitama: Saitama Super Arena
September 17 - Fukuoka, Fukuoka Marinemesse
September 18 - Fukuoka, Fukuoka Marinemesse
October 1 - Sapporo: Sapporo Kitayell
October 2 - Sapporo: Sapporo Kitayell
November 2 - Nagoya, Japan Gaishi Hall
November 3 - Nagoya, Japan Gaishi Hall
Dec. 3 - Osaka: Kyocera Dome Osaka
December 4 - Osaka: Kyocera Dome Osaka
[2012 L 'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel Hotel, the world circuit - Location
1. Hong Kong
2. Shanghai
3. Taipei
4. Bangkok
5. New York
6. London
7. Paris
8. Tokyo
9. More ...
The number of corporate criminals in the film, the film has a bleached film about Elvis or the customs revenues have suggested that the royalties. This is related to the duties of the royalties for foreign films closer to mandegnya confusion may be a problem.
Movie (GPBSI) Johnny Syafrudin all of Indonesia's Association, as well as in terms of national income, look at the film industry, he said. They do not pay income tax revenues, but this film is so you can back normal, so as to minimize the import process does not mean that there is no step pemutihann.
"If you Bleach ago, the government, it is better not to waste your time," he said on Monday detikFinance
The income tax burden, but only in the presence of one hundred million payment Bleach RP RP 3-4 in each of ten billion, a number of films, for example, he explains.
After bleaching, then clearly the sanctions immediately after the income and royalties, including provisions related to the film wins, they sat down together to strengthen the rules of the game.
"I have to, because the interpretation of the recognition of the problem is simply a different opinion," he said.
Today's review of the issue of tariff film royalties to apply the rule to be removed from cotton, he said. Associated with this problem, the government must provide certainty for companies.
"I am now the undisputed 90 (tariff film royalties), written by the government where you could not help but think," he exclaimed.
Included in the calculation of import duty on royalties to strengthen the old customs. This is the number of additional duties should be kept in the film to appeal to.
Register a new calculation, RP, and fines along with approximately 31 billion is not the film's total debt to income for the three. This amount has reached U.S. $ 314,000,000,000 of money to compensate producers of the film is much lower than that.
RP 30000000000 taxes on the total outstanding (basic plus debt), custom made the film because it was not more information, foreign films imported by the Government of the movie is banned from earning the number three. Customs records for now, but only 3 active importers can not be registered in the nine importers.
RP bill's primary obligation to pay 9 billion because of the film, but the government is more independent films or the MPAA (Motion Picture Association οf USA) was imported Amiro one film to win the right partner. Box office movies for movie lovers and film is expected, a large output is synonymous with the MPAA.
In terms of power, easy installments within two years of the term is taken into account. Yet fully paid, but for those who have already paid the income may be imported movie. It is the duty of the royalty payment obligations to the needs of a number of film means that the firm maintains.
Minister of Finance in Indonesia Agus Martowardojo oligopolistic practices of the film industry as a suspect. Because, despite the fact that many foreign films, but the theater pendistrubusiannya. Small capital, and foreign films are not in the various theaters, depending on the condition of the Agus.
"Oligopoly, if we had to wait for the rules? Center of the film form, there is a shopping center and movie theaters" Agus said some time ago.
Eksayiseuui Directorate General of Customs, Minister of Finance of the revenue gain Kuswandono the film says, because of lack of circulation has no right to say that the film might just as well as the import permits did not receive any other income of the MPAA wants the cooperation of the three importers.
The keyboard is made by Sholes and 1860an deonseumoeoe said. Originally they were made sequentially in alphabetical order. However, increased functionality (custom) user input and the speed of the engine as soon as the mechanism is simple, yet. Thus, the (consecutive) intervene in the congestion of a particular key. Based on their experience and ultimately lock up the keyboard easier to avoid the complicated and inefficient, deliberately creating the keyboard. Typewriter design for mass production was sold in 1873, Remington. "23456789 -" The Second Line "QWE.TYIUOP", third line, "XDFGHJKLM" and the bottom line "; R? AX & CVBN" The structure is divided into four yeolroui free. Over time, technology has developed rapidly and the keyboard is often the main problems faced by better mechanical design, and is working correctly. A number of alternative keyboard designs appeared on the market. There is a very popular one in August 1936 Dvorak Simplified Keyboard Dvorak's (DSK) is a more efficient design, which claims more quickly, and egronomis design. QWERTY is practically the same (written in Indonesian language, how I felt when the same thing), English writing, especially from an overload of the left hand, a lot of flaws. Pinky is also overloaded with QWERTY. DSK typists fingers compared to the calculations, as a rule more than 20 miles a day to run just one mile - a research line on the finger crossed this line with more unequal distribution of the letter shows that. Unfortunately, it still created, but not the best design of the "QWERTY" refusing to turn away design. Technology to solve the basic problem of the violation, but many other people, rather than brilliant "QWERTY" design, design, and a stick. Instead, QWERTY instead of welcoming international standard in 1966. The same happens in Microsoft Windows. We encourage munjekka beauty, it is safety, comfort, whether in terms of performance, Windows is the best operating system, I know that it is not. The market penetration of Windows because it is very difficult, but people are using the operating system with standardized and're.
A pop star who has been quite literally manufactured: step forward Aimi Eguchi.
The perfectly-formed fake singer was made up of the very best of pop pedigree, with computer scientists plucking specific facial features from six of the most genetically blessed of AKB 48's real life female members.
The cut-and-paste popstar was bestowed with eyes taken from Atsuko Maeda and a button nose from Tomomi Itano while her long, lush hair hails from Yuko Oshima and her sensual mouth belongs to Mariko Shinoda.
Even her eyebrows were borrowed from pretty band member Mayu Watanbe while the mix of features were cleverly united within a face outline belonging to Minami Takahashi.
But manufacturing your own AKB 48 idol, is not as easy as it looks. Skilled computer scientists used detailed imaging to highlight the points on the real-life girls' faces before their best features were captured and digitally implanted onto Aimi's virtual face.
At a German concentration camp in occupied Poland in 1944, scientist Dr. Schmidt[5] observes young Erik Lensherr bend a metal gate with his mind when the child is separated from his parents. In his office, Schmidt orders Lensherr to similarly move a coin on a desk, and kills his mother when the child cannot. In his grief and anger, Lensherr's magnetic power manifests, killing two guards and destroying the room, to Schmidt's delight.
In 1962, an adult Lensherr is tracking down Schmidt to take revenge. In England, Oxford University graduate Xavier is publishing his thesis on mutation; Raven, now his foster sister, lives with him. In Las Vegas, CIA agent Moira MacTaggert follows US Army Colonel Hendry into the Hellfire Club, where she sees Sebastian Shaw, Emma Frost, and Azazel. After Shaw threatens Hendry, Azazel disappears with the officer; moments later Hendry is in the War Room, advocating that the US install nuclear missiles in Turkey. Shaw later kills Hendry, revealing himself as Schmidt and demonstrating the energy-absorbing mutant power that has de-aged him.
Pada masa berakhirnya Perang Pasifik, Jepang mengalami kekalahan. Total kerugian materi yang diderita Jepang begitu besar. Kerusakan akibat bom atom sekutu sangat membahayakan lingkungan mengingat radiasi dari bom atom tersebut.
Sebelum Jepang menyatakan kalah perang dari Sekutu, Kaisar Hirohito pernah berucap, bahwa Jepang akan bengkit menjadi Negara yang makmur dan maju dalam segala bidang melebihi negara” manapun di dunia. Dan memang benar, setelah perang memporak-porandakan Jepang, Sang Kaisar memimpin rakyat negeri matahari terbit bangkit dari puing-puing perang menjadi yang anda lihat sekarang ini. Segala bidang di Jepang tumbuh menjadi industri” yang hasil produknya menjamah di seluruh dunia.
Dalam hal ekonomi, saat ini Jepang merupakan negara pertama Asia yang mampu bersaing dengan Negara barat yang nota bene adalah ujung tombak dalam deretan Negara maju.